We all dream of having the perfect skin, but the perfect skin is a dream. In reality, we are all born with different types of skin. Rox has a range of creams and lotions that can help you give the care that your skin. However, do it right, you need to first identify the type of skin you have.
Here are the different types of skin you should be aware of.
Oily Skin
While normal skin secretes some amount of oil that is good for the skin, oily skin is one where you can feel excess oil easily on your skin. A big problem with oily skin is that dirt easily sticks to it. Furthermore, you can get acne due to your oil glands getting clogged, and dirt and sweat collecting and causing acne to form.
Dry Skin
The worst part about dry skin is that you can feel the flakiness on your skin. Sun exposure can particularly aggravate your dry skin, making it feel thin and dry. Your skin feels paper thin and itches.
Normal Skin
If you are lucky, you have normal skin. Touch and feel your skin. Normal skin is not oily or dry. The key to normal skin is ensuring that your skin is well-hydrated. However, if you are gifted with normal skin, it is vital that you take care of it well.
Combination Skin
It might be that your skin is not a single type. For example, your skin can be oily in some areas and dry in others. If this is the case, you have to treat your skin with multiple treatments.
Sensitive Skin
Ever feel like your skin easily gets rashes due to allergy? If so, you have sensitive skin. In essence, environmental changes or a new skin care product can cause a reaction to your skin. Choose your skin care products carefully.
Regardless of your skin type, you have to take care of your skin. So, show your skin the care it deserves, and look brighter, feel fresher!